
Take care of your sparkles

A gentle bath

Prepare a small bowl of warm suds with any mild liquid detergent. Brush pieces gently with a toothbrush while they are in the suds.

Transfer to a wire strainer and rinse under warm running water. Pat dry with a soft, lintless cloth.

Caution: Plug drain holes or cap with a lid to prevent jewellery from falling into the drain.

The soak

Mix an equal quantity of cold water and household ammonia in a cup.

Soak the diamonds for 30 minutes.

Lift out and gently clean with a small soft brush.

Rinse in the solution once more, and drain on paper.

No water wash is needed.

Here are some don'ts

Don't let your diamond come into contact with chlorine bleach when you're doing housework. It won't hurt the diamond, but it can pit or discolour the mounting.

Don't wear your diamond when you're doing rough work or doing the dishes. Even though a diamond is durable, it can be chipped by a hard blow along its grain.

Don't jumble your diamond pieces in a drawer or jewelry case because diamonds can scratch each other and also other jewelry.

Take your diamonds to a jeweler for a "check up" at least once a year. He will check your ring for loose settings and signs of wear.

He'll usually give them a professional "shine-up" too.

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