
Room for Feng Shui in your Bedroom?

We spend almost one third of our life in the bedroom! If you think you could do with more peace of mind, improved health, better love life or even improved prosperity, may be you need to take a little help, by improving the Feng Shui of your bedroom. We bring you some simple bedroom tips that may work for you!

Balance in the bedroom
Your bedroom affects you more than any other room in the house, purely because you spend most of your time in it. Your bedroom is all about rest, peace and nurturing. Let your bedroom echo the balance of the five elements.

The colours of the furnishings and paint should be muted and peace giving. Pastel shades like off white, lemon and beige are soft and comforting. In fact, in Feng Shui, green is considered the ideal colour for a bedroom to bring harmony, peace and restfulness.Placing objects in pairs in the bedroom increases marital harmony and balance (eg. candle stands, vases etc.)

Ensure that there is no harsh lighting in your bedroom. The use of dimmers on light fixtures, is highly recommended for it helps control the chi

Avoid placing large living plants in your bedroom. Also, keep sharp metal objects out of the bedroom ( eg. Scissors, knife, gun etc)

Bedtime Story…
Place your headboard against a solid wall, to ground your power. Place your bed diagonally opposite the door so you have a commanding view of the mouth of the Chi and will be in the best position to receive life-force energy as it enters the room. It also provides security. In case your bed is positioned in line with a doorway, hang a crystal between the bed and the door.

Do not place the bed under exposed beams. If it cannot be avoided, then hang a small crystal or mirror to disperse energy. You should not sleep with your head pointed towards the door, for this creates a feeling of uneasiness, about who might be entering the room. The space under the bed should be clutter-free, to encourage free flow of chi

There should be no mirrors opposite your bed or at the side of your bed. Mirrors opposite the bed are known to attract a third party to the relationship and can be the cause for disturbed sleep.

It is advisable to buy a wooden bed. Metal beds are known to conduct electricity and can be a health hazard. It is also advisable not to place anything electrical near the bed, this includes electric blankets, heat pads etc.Feng Shui is not difficult at all! Start slow and learn as you go along. Try following these tips and see if things work for you.

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