

It’ 9:30 a.m., you have just arrived at work. There are tons to be completed and you are just about trying to decide which task to begin with. Before you can get to so much as hitting a key on the computer, in saunters the boss and casually tosses around a `so, what do you think of last evening’s share plunge?’

You are completely stupefied. This was the least of your worries or concerns, but now that boss has mentioned it, you cannot let it pass without adding in your own two pence worth (after all you have to be aware about current happenings). So, what do you do?

To begin with, do not get ruffled. All hell won’t break lose if you are not conversant with the nitty-gritty’s of the bullion trade.

- If boss has tossed the question at you, toss it back at him. `Yes sir, I think it was a debacle, what do you think is in store for the future?’ should suffice just fine. Shifting the focus is half the battle won.

- Be curious (not to the extent of getting yourself killed like the proverbial cat) and ask boss how did the situation affected him? Had he invested in shares? While there is an element of curiosity, it is strongly underlined with concern.

- However, if tact is not really your cuppa’, being honest and forthright too would serve just as fine. Admit that the bourses are NOT exactly your sphere of interest; however, you would appreciate a learned opinion on them.

- Have a pleasing tone while asking and a body language that tilts in favour of receiving knowledge. Unspoken words elicit stronger and better responses than their spoken counterparts.

- Listen carefully and pick up the gist of the activity. A few questions down the line, will prepare you enough to comment on the activity, so be attentive and listen carefully.

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